UMD Global STEWARDS Fellows are traveling to Nepal for a short-term faculty-led study abroad program during the first two weeks of January 2023. The program is focused on how Nepal is implementing food-energy-water-climate-health solutions to ensure future food and water security. The Fellows will engage with our collaborators and students in Dr. Biraj Karmacharya’s group at Kathmandu University (KU) and Sanskriti Farms and Research Center, and meet with rural community members, as well as government and NGO organizations. Part of the trip will include working on a project at Sanskriti Farms and Research Center, along with the director Shree Krishna Dhital, and staying in the farm’s homestay, which is nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas. While at the homestay, Fellows will enjoy traditional Nepali food (daal bhat) made fresh from organic food grown on the farm. Fellows will also have the opportunity to explore cultural and World Heritage sites in Kathmandu.
Travel Team: The UMD travel team consists of faculty Dr. Rianna Murray and Maurice Rocque with 10 student fellows from cohorts 2-4.
Fellows: Aimee Malzahn, Amanda Siciliano, Erica Forgione, Ibiyinka Amokeodo, Jennifer Morash, Michele Morgado, Natalie Crnosija, Nicole Ernestine Sieck, Stephanie Chia,
Elamin Elamin
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